Retirement Benefits Designs, LLC
Administration & Consulting
Building Your Future Wealth with Today’s Retirement Benefits
Certified By:
American Society for Pension Professionals and Actuaries

Member of:
Melville Chamber of Commerce

Other Affiliations:
NIPA - National Institute For Pension Administration

American Retirement Association

SHRM - Society for Human Resource Management

We provide administration and consulting services for the following retirement plans and other benefits programs:
Qualified Retirement Plans
Basic 401(k) plans
Basic 401(k) plans with or without match
Safe Harbor 401(k) plans
Simple 401(k) plans
Roth 401(k) plans
Automatic Enrollment Plans
Profit Sharing Plans
New Comparability Plans
Combination Profit Sharing plus 401(k) option
Plans Integrated with Social Security
Plans with same contribution rate for all employees
Stock Bonus Plans
Other Retirement Savings and Benefit Programs
403(b) Plans (ERISA and Non-ERISA I)
Tax-Sheltered Annuities
457(b) and 457(f) Plans non-qualified plans for non-profit organizations
409A Plans non-qualified plans for businesses
Simplified Employer Pension Plans (SEP)
Welfare Benefits Plans (plan design and consulting)